Etech Spider

FInternet Of Things: Strong Reasons Why IoT Can Revolutionize the Financial Sector

Sandeep Dharak
Discover how the Internet of Things (IoT) transforms the financial sector, opening doors to efficient transactions and enhanced security. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking revolution today! Industries are transforming client interaction with the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology is applied in several sectors, including retail, agriculture, transportation, and healthcare,......
How To

Clear Cache On Mac: 4 reasons Why You Should Do It Often

Sandeep Dharak
Boost your Mac’s performance and free up valuable storage space by clearing the cache regularly. Learn why it’s essential for a smoother computing experience. Clearing the cache on your Mac is a crucial maintenance task that can significantly improve your system’s performance and overall user experience. Over time, various applications......
How To

How To Install Kodi on Roku with Windows Laptop

Sandeep Dharak
Before we start with the information about how to install Kodi on Roku and the Kodi installation process on the Roku device, you should know something to start with. The utilization of the Internet entirely influences the entertainment industry. Before using the Internet, you can utilize the main sources of......
How ToWeb

Google Workspace Allows Businesses To Share Seamlessly

Sandeep Dharak
Most businesses are not bashful about proclaiming that Gmail is the greatest commercially available email service for your company. Besides the obvious advantages of cloud storage and applications like Google Docs and Sheets, there are other perks. Here, you’ll find the reasons why people utilize and recommend Google Workspace (previously......
How To

The Importance of Using an Intelligent Network Security Platform

Sandeep Dharak
Network Security is a very important component of any modern business. A business that needs to implement network security measures will likely expose itself to unnecessary risks. Competitors could steal their data, viruses and malware would infect their users’ workstations, and they could lose clients if they compromise these clients’ personal......
How To

DeOldify: Colorize Your Old Image & Videos

Sandeep Dharak
DeOldify is a white and black picture coloring library made by Jason Antic. Mainly, this library employed the processes of the two newspapers: self-attention, generative adversarial community, and the two-time scale update rule. Additionally, DeOldify launched the NoGAN strategy to fix many major issues to earn hyper-realistic colorization video and......
How To

3D Printed Circuit Board: How to Make Your Own Printed Circuit Board

Sandeep Dharak
3D Printed Circuit Board, or PCBs, have been one of the foundations of modern electronics for decades. Utilized by major electronics manufacturers and home hobbyists, printed circuit boards are a ubiquitous part of our modern world. If you are interested in contemporary technology or an idea for an electrical product,......
How To

How To Stop Pop Up Ads on Android Tablets

Sandeep Dharak
Popup ads appear randomly when one is busy on another site. They are so disturbing since you cannot comfortably access your site without an intruding advert coming up. Let’s know How To Stop Pop Up Ads on Android Tablets. They vary widely from a browser that shows in the window. The advertiser......
How To

How to Type Congruent Symbol

Sandeep Dharak
Have you ever thought of congruence? Do you know How to Type the Congruent Symbol? Congruence in Mathematics is about offering activities equal in shape and size using the description of angles. The shapes and the line segments are used in describing the right shape and size. Users can define......
How To

How can you make a JavaScript website successful in Google?

Sandeep Dharak
Java Script powered websites aren’t just a fad, they’re gaining a growing amount of popularity now. We have entered the JS era, leaving behind the conventional plain Jane HTML struggles. Although, this new technology implementation has brought up several requirements for a well-rounded search engine friendliness with it. We look......
How To

Aida Review: The Most User-Friendly Online Form Builder

Sandeep Dharak
It is a simple online form and requires no coding to add this form to your website. Generally, this form is required on the contact us page and it must be attractive. If you want to create online forms from scratch, you’d need to have a good understanding of HTML......
How To

Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics GP: The Most Common Integrations

Sandeep Dharak
Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics GP are vital to the running and growth of many businesses. Salesforce CRM helps businesses manage their outward relationships with customers, while Microsoft Dynamics ERP helps businesses manage their internal processes, including inventory, reporting, accounts and HR. The two are natural partners, and creating integrations between......
How To

The Health Helper project received a $ 180 000 grant from Lifeasapa in the Biomed Challenge

Sandeep Dharak
Innovations in the field of medicine and biotechnology today become a real chance to save mankind. The founders and employees of the Lifeasapa know this. The company announced and held the Biomed Challenge for medical and biotech projects. Startups from all over the world, with ready-made solutions in the medical......
How To

Security Risk in Online Gaming and How To Maximize Online Gaming Security?

Sandeep Dharak
Gaming is one of the most loved activities worldwide. We all have played video games at some point in our life generally in our teenage. With the advancement in technology, our experience with video games has gone to another level. If we compare today’s games with the ones that were......
How To

How To Create a Professional Live Stream With Your Phone

Sandeep Dharak
Who would have thought that a device that was developed to solely provide voice communication would evolve into an indispensable tool capable of housing the whole world within its walls? And yet, amongst the many functions that present-day smartphones have been developed to host, one of the most incredible, is......

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