Etech Spider

Why You Should Encourage Your Children to Avoid Technology

Technology can indeed be a very useful thing in the modern day; however, there are also many reasons why you shouldn’t encourage it too much when it comes to your children.

Many parents are often complaining about how their children spend too much time with their gadgets, so if you don’t want to become one of those, here are the reasons why you shouldn’t encourage your child.

Encourage Your Children to Avoid Technology

#1. Increased obesity

This point doesn’t need much explanation, but there is a direct correlation between how much your child uses his gadgets and whether or not he puts on weight.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that any weight gain is the fault of the overuse of gadgets and computers, but if your child isn’t moving around much and lacks exercise, this could be the problem.

Instead of going outside and playing soccer or another sport, many children and teens choose to stay in their bedrooms and play virtually against friends on an Xbox or iPad from one bedroom to another!

#2. Expensive

If you keep buying your child new gadgets, you’ll soon see how expensive they can become. Even once you’ve bought the gadget, there are many things which you still have to pay for.

For example, those with an Xbox will know that you need to buy memberships and points if you continue having fun and playing the games you enjoy.

Games and apps on iPads and smartphones usually have many in-game purchases that younger children seem to buy without even thinking about.

Your child may also get bored of one gadget and start asking for another, which could cost you a lot of problems and could cost a lot of money too!

Parents who tend to buy their children a lot of gadgets often end up in serious debt and have to go about reading the top 10 reviews of debt management software packages that can help them reduce their debts.

#3. Poor sleep quality

If your child never seems to get a good night of sleep, you should question whether or not he is using his gadgets too much.

More than three-quarters of children who use their gadgets in their bedrooms, particularly before bedtime and in the evenings, suffer from sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality.

If you want your child to become familiar with different gadgets, let him use them at the weekends or limit the time each day to 15-20 minutes.

You could also use it as a reward, so it becomes something he has to work for instead of something which is taken for granted and overused.

#4. Decreased concentration

Children who do very well at school are usually those who aren’t allowed to use their gadgets all the time.

Limiting children of primary school age to an hour a day is very beneficial, both short-term and long-term.

This includes the time they spend watching the television too. It will also teach them responsibility, and you could suggest that they decide how they want to spend their hour.

They could spend half an hour watching the television and then the other half an hour on the computer.

Although certain games can be good for the brain and help children think more and be more creative, many games, particularly violent games, will have the opposite effect.

#5. They will miss out on things

Your child will miss out on so much if he sits in his bedroom all day playing on his gadgets.

If you find that you give your child a tablet or smartphone to keep him quiet while you’re busy, why not have a look at what’s in the area and see what else he could be spending his time doing?

For example, ask him if he’d like to take up a new instrument – he can spend half an hour each day practising rather than playing on his iPad.

See if he has any friends in the area and take turns with the parents to take the kids out for an hour each evening.

#6. Technology addictions

Many people joke about being addicted to their phones and tablets; however, technology addiction is a real problem, and unfortunately, many people suffer from it.

Children are no exception, and if they’re allowed to use their gadgets too much, you’ll find that there are terrible effects when they are taken away from them.

While they’re growing up, things can influence them for life very easily, and an addiction developed in the early years will only worsen and cause more problems as they grow older.

It’s difficult to fight it when all their friends enjoy the use of smartphones and tablets they’ve been given as presents from family members, but remember that it’s not always the best option for your child.

#7. Development problems

Children under the age of 12 exposed to gadgets and technology quite a lot within the home and at school could develop serious problems, both with their behaviour and development.

You must keep hand-held devices away from your children while they’re at a young age, and experts recommend keeping them away completely until your child is at least 13 years of age.

Technology is also a very prominent factor in other mental issues, such as depression and anxiety in children.

If your child seems to have a problem, you should consider how much he uses gadgets daily. If you look carefully, you may even see a difference in his behaviour when he uses the gadgets more or less.

Remember that if you’re seriously concerned about your child’s development or mental health, you can go and see your doctor, who will be able to refer you and your child to the appropriate professional in the department.

For More Latest How To Tips and Information about Encourage Children to Avoid Technology, Visit Etech Spider.

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