Hollywood is making various blockbuster movies that are getting very popular among people.
Artificial intelligence penetrated Hollywood movies from a long time ago, including individual graphics to develop movie scenes.
Nowadays, Hollywood uses Artificial Intelligence to decide the next blockbuster movie, replacing the actors from dangerous views and many more.
Here is how Artificial Intelligence has penetrated Hollywood Movies explained:

How Hollywood is Using AI to Decide the Next Blockbuster Movie
There are a ton of movies in Hollywood like Peter Pan (2003), Black Hat (2015), Dudley Do-Right (1999), etc., that many people do not recognize, which results in multi-million-dollar flops.
Now, Hollywood is using Artificial Intelligence’s help to decide which movie to make that will not be a flop like the previous ones.
Some companies have successfully developed a powerful AI that keeps flop movies away from the entertainment world.

Cinelytic has introduced the powerful Artificial Intelligence to analyze the upcoming movies in 2013 by Queisser, and Dev Sen.
Queisser is from a financial and film production background. Dev Sen is from NASA and used to develop risk-assessment software to analyze the designs of launch vehicles.
The goal of the Cinelytic is to help the global entertainment industry with powerful tools and technology to optimize the contents, science, finance, and distributions to decrease the flop rate.
Warner Brothers is a very famous studio, and it produced movies such as, The Goldfinch and The Kitchen, which are not at all remarkable for some reason.
Later, they announced a partnership with Cinelytic to prevent the flops from carrying the logo of ‘WB.’
However, the CEO of Cinelytic Tobias Queisser has described how the AI does not touch the original part and the original work of the AI, which is greenlighting a project.
How it works
Cinelytic uses AI in many steps to help the movie industries: –
Predicting the Market – Cinelytic predicts the market by analyzing the movie along with the region and platform of the release and collecting the result.
Evaluating the Content Packages – After predicting the market, as per the results, it analyses how the content will be a success and shows the success rate.
Financing Options – Cinelytic collects the market data and shows the financing suggestions as per the contents and the success rate.
Cinelytic has partnered up with various famous studios like Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures, Ingenious, SPK Pictures, Tangent, etc.
It also accepts individual filmmakers and unknown or not-so-famous people to help with the market analysis.
Cinelytic also follows anonymity which helps to keep the research secret for the studio. There is no limit to the platforms in Cinelytic as it can analyze the contents as per any platform in the world, be it online or offline.
There are many more Artificial Intelligence services that are also helping entertainment studios and organizations by analyzing the market and providing suggestions.
Still, they are not as powerful as Cinelytic. Hence, Cinelytic is the best Artificial Intelligence service available to analyze the market as per the movie content.
How AI is Being used to Make Movies in Hollywood
In the Hollywood industry, most studios use AI to make movies for various reasons, such as getting the actors out of danger, replacing the actors in different scenes, forming intriguing ambiances to enhance the views, etc. Here are the reasons explained: –
Getting the Actors out of Dangerous stunt activities
In many movies, we can see the actors jumping off a cliff, flying in the sky, running with trains at the same speed, etc. These kinds of stunts are hazardous, and it risks the life of the actors.
AI is replacing the actors from these dangerous stunts scenes and getting the actors out of danger.
Directors and producers use VFX, animations and AI to make a model that looks like the actor and replaces the model in the actor’s place.
In particular, in scenes where actors have to produce certain stunts, AI is used to artificially develop setups in the studio. VFX is used to later change the internal studio backgrounds to a different place in the movie.
Replace the Actors
There are many movies in which we can see there are two characters of the same actors.
When AI was not a part of the film, editors used different methods to show the two aspects of the same actor in one scene but now, Artificial Intelligence is being used to form the second character of the same actor and is being implemented to the views.
By a perfect combination of animation, VFX and AI, realistic models are being created using Artificial Intelligence.
The most fun part is the fictitious character that can hold the actor’s face. Still, who can change the age, hairstyles, and clothing to enhance looks according to the movie scene and story.
Scene creation
With the help of Artificial Intelligence, the directors are creating intriguing scenes to enhance the thrill and excitement.
In Jurassic Park, no dinosaurs were running, but with the help of Artificial Intelligence and visual effects, we could enjoy the scenes and the ambiances.
The directors and the producers direct to form a green screen including the obstacles, and those green screens get replaced with the views made from AI and VFX, and the actors make the scenes alive and deliver the optimum action-packed movie scene.
This method also enhances the viewers’ experience, which makes the movie a blockbuster.
Creature Creation
There are many fictional movies where we can see such creatures that are not present in real life. These creatures are often made with AI and VFX to deliver the viewers the optimum anticipation.
Not only in movies, but we can also find such animals in sequel series like Game of Thrones, The Witcher, etc. The quality of the created being is dependent on the developer and the budget.
Using costly supercomputers and technologies and perfect development can make the animals look real.
If the animation criteria are met entirely, then the movie or the sequel can be famous among the people and results in the success of the multi-million-dollar investments.
Whole Movie Creation
Many animation studios like Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar are using Artificial Intelligence to make whole movies.
There are many fundamentals of making a full movie using Artificial Intelligence, like no actors are needed, the investment gets cut in half and many more.
Only using Artificial Intelligence, proper developers, and voice-over artists can create a whole movie to get the maximum attention of the people. This method of using AI in the film has resulted in success in the maximum cases.
This method is also used for the film, which is based on real-life but, we can find some mythical characters like talking animals, trees etc. However, with Artificial Intelligence, who can also make a whole movie.
Using Artificial Intelligence is the new trend of the Hollywood movie industry. We need supercomputers to make and implement Artificial Intelligence in movies.
IBM has made a Supercomputer and launched a trailer of the film “Morgan,” which has fascinating graphics and can help Hollywood incorporate AI into their works.
The Supercomputer is powered up with an AI, which makes the movie scenes even more exciting. Artificial Intelligence penetrated Hollywood movies a long time ago.
From the above article, you can find how Hollywood uses AI to make new blockbusters and how they implement the technology in the movie to make it more realistic and safer.
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