Etech Spider

How To Get Real Instagram Followers | 7 Best Ways

Get Real Instagram Followers

As you all know, Instagram is one of the most used apps by today’s youth. When Instagram was launched starting, so many changes happened to it from time to time.

But today, we are living in a time in which you can’t get real followers by just being active on social media for getting the real followers on Instagram; you have to put your additional efforts into it so that followers are automatically attracted towards you and if your running business account, Then The Best instagram growth service can be beneficial to get the real followers.

Genuine followers will be beneficial to you in converting your products into a brand by getting followed by more real followers; it’s your duty to realize that they choose the trustworthy business account, so it builds your reputation on social media.

If your products are the real and best ones, but you don’t have free Instagram followers in good numbers, people can’t decide to follow you and trust your brand.

We can understand this thing with a typical example like if you have to purchase an item, you always check its rating and reviews both so it helps you decide to buy it.

This is why more followers make your account look like a trusted account, and many more people, by seeing this, get attracted.

How To Get Real Instagram Followers In 2020?

The business may also use social apps like Facebook or Twitter for promoting their business.

Still, their numbers show that these apps are not advertising their company very much compared to Instagram marketing, so now business brands switch to Instagram. Yet, for this, they want real followers.

7 Ways To Get Real Followers For Instagram

Instagram helps you to enhance your brand to the next level. Today’s world is all about the social media world, so a brand can raise and down only by the impact they show on social media.

For listing your brand in the top brand, you have to make lots of efforts to get free Instagram followers from Getinsta, which helps you make more likes, comments, clicks, and by doing this, your fan following automatically increases.

For using your Instagram for business purposes, you needed to prioritize the real followers on Instagram in 2020. For this, we are giving you a list of some points on which you have focused more:

#1. Improve Your Instagram Bio

You are all very aware of the lines that “The first impression is the last impression,” so attracting more real followers and growing your Instagram naturally, so you have to explain yours in your Bio.

Hence, followers quickly know who you are, what type of things you do, and why they should follow your account because people only want to know what you can do for that they mean by that they want nothing else from you, so utilize this option very well.

So we are giving you some ideas for making your Bio attractive: 

(1) Add headlines and keywords in your bio so that people see them.

(2) Add some emojis to your bio so it gets followers’ attention and then directs them to your brand’s link.

(3) Use URLs in your bio to connect followers directly to your website link.

#2. Signature Style

As you use Instagram for your business purpose, so you always have to be sure that every image your post on your timelines reflect the name of your page for this, you can use the filters and the color scheme also, so it also enhances the popularity of your name in your images.

#3. Variety of Content

It is platforms through which you also share the content that you create. So don’t go for the copy things be unique, and make your ideas follow your ideas.

Real Instagram Followers In 2020

You also have to make your images look outstanding on your page, so for this, before you post those on your messenger, preview it on an app like Planoly, so you balance it according to your needs.

#4. Use 60/40 Rule

This rule says that make your page filled 60% of your products and the other 40% with your day-to-day lifestyle images and thoughts to link with the community.

#5. Put time into Hashtags

We all see that people are writing Hashtags below their posts. Still, it is not a child game before putting any Hashtag; you have to think twice.

People are using hashtags of each other, but the unique hashtag is more valuable, so for making your hashtag, you have to look at your post and think about your brand shows which style, and then you create your hashtag.

Unique hashtags are also a way of increasing your marketing skills.

#6. Use Instagram Stories

As we all know, fans post their daily routine activities in their story, so people are attracted to their levels.

If you stay active on your accounts, it will also become one of the best ideas for increasing your genuine followers and your business.


There are IG stories in more trends now. It is also one of the great ways to promote your business. Post your IG Stories by showing your products lively, so people show more interest in your products.

Use the Highlights’ option to put all your stories that disappear after 24 hours show in your highlights, so followers get more information about your business from your Highlights.

#7. Instagram Giveaways

By announcing contests so that it becomes easy to attract followers in more numbers, but for promoting giveaways, you have to look at your budget and, most importantly, for what reason you are announcing this giveaway.

If you only want to increase your followers, then you use some of the strategies like:

Task List

  • If you have to win this giveaway, follow my page like pictures.
  • If you have to win this giveaway, tag some of your friends in comment sections and make sure that they also follow us back to make your chances of winning higher, increasing the real followers.
  • If you want to win this giveaway, then track and post this giveaway as your story to get more bonus points, so when followed, publish your page name in their account, then it obvious their followers see their post and get attracted to the giveaway.

So these are some of the ways or ideas to Get Real Instagram Followers.

For More Information and Updates about Digital Marketing NEWS and “Get Real Instagram Followers“, Visit Etech Spider. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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