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Can Cryptocurrency Help in the Fight Against the Net Neutrality Repeal?


Ever since the decision of the Federal Communications Commission to reverse Net Neutrality, there have been many businesses wondering how this will affect them shortly.

From premium rates that might be imposed for higher bandwidth usage to being banned from an ISP’s network altogether could at some point become a reality.

Big Companies

Big CompaniesThere are many large companies which are watching the net neutrality repeal with a keen eye as they are unsure how things will go in the future.

If they are impacted by any restrictions, these will surely bear an extra cost at some point to end users.

Companies such as Facebook and Amazon use massive amounts of bandwidth and if costs are imposed any free service they currently offer could eventually end up as a subscription service or extra rates are taxed at another point of their charges.

One other company which could see a difference is Google. Every second of the day they are accessed for web searches and if their service is interrupted it would affect the world as a whole.

What Could Happen

What Could HappenAs large ISP’s control all of the infrastructure and the internet service on global proportions.

They are now in a position where they can apply prioritization where they feel it is appropriate.

After the massive companies that might be threatened, users have to start looking at crypto currencies and how they might be affected.

If any of these had restrictions imposed on them, then the way in most crypto currencies work would be affected.

This being said, some crypto currencies have watched these net neutrality rules and used them as part of their thinking of how they are able to fight back against net neutrality repeal and offer decentralized services.

How Coins Can Fight Back

Coins Fight BackMany coins have looked at how they can get around this, although Bitcoin being the first generation crypto currency might struggle at some point.

It is quite simple for Internet service providers to take a disliking to BTC so any network that uses the BTC Block chain could be forced to use slower traffic lanes or pay a premium rate for the service.

Exchanges can be hit similarly. If the ISP’s favor one crypto currency they can quickly make a connection to the relevant exchanges faster while reducing speed to exchanges that trade coins they are against.

CryptoNew Crypto’s Join the Fight

The next crypto currencies have had the advantage of watching all of this from afar while they have been in development.

Their services can help against net neutrality and in turn, will help them have longevity as a business. There are two coins in particular which have done things a little different. First up is:


GolemAll computing resources become decentralized on the network. These resources can come from a corporation all the way back to an individual user who wishes to partake in the net this way.

While the service runs on Ethereum, it is easy for payments to be made for use or to receive the mining incentives when a user shares their resources.

This technology should sit far enough above the current internet as not to be affected by any of these changes.

If it is enough is yet to be seen. To wholeheartedly fight back against Net Neutrality means detaching oneself away from what we know now of the internet. One coin, in particular, has done this.


Sky coinWhere SKY differs is they bring with them a new network. This mesh-network sits separately to the current internet and nodes provide the network bandwidth.

These mining nodes interconnected with each other and bypass any ISP entirely.

Skycoin which is the payment system pays incentive to these network nodes for providing bandwidth.

When the coin is used for other payments, the transactions are fast and secure as there is no mining of coins.

This allows a transaction to be almost instantaneous through the use of a new algorithm which has been devised and works on SKY’s alternative Block chain.

With this peer-to-peer network comes security and privacy. Coupled with this is the fact ISP’s are no longer able to restrict bandwidth or to track users while they are online.

The user or company data can be hosted locally with the knowledge the network can scale well enough to cater for their needs.

From telecommunications to providing a new internet entirely is not easy, and the top cryptocurrency to invest in to help do this can be SKY and Skywire.

SKY has the technology and the mesh net which can not only support a new form of the internet but take the fight against net neutrality by being away from the threat of it altogether.

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